Our aim is not to find problems to be solved by our software, but to develop new software to solve Your problems.
We do not waste the customers’ money. If we can solve Your problem by improving the current system, we will not suggest a full system replacement.
We take into account the user’s needs as much as possible. From the expectation-survey, through the program planning and development, all the way until the installation, every session is controlled by the client. Naturally, the support is included in our services, too.
We do not make superfluous software, which would only occupy valuable storage place. With programming we have one target: to complete the customer’s task quickly, securely, and cost-efficiently.
Programming and engineering is not where our work ends. We take responsibility for the functionality of our software, too.
Our services include:
Even the most user-friendly software fails without a software-friendly user. But we only make easy-to-use, logically operating programs.
We are not interested in selling the most expensive hardware to You, but rather in assuring that our applications work safely on adequate computers.